How to use crutches after leg surgery

Summary:1. Do not rest your entire body on the crutches. The top of the crutch should be 5-10 cm or a punch from the armpit and shoulder-width apart.2. Don't ...

1. Do not rest your entire body on the crutches. The top of the crutch should be 5-10 cm or a punch from the armpit and shoulder-width apart.
2. Don't support your body with your armpits. If prolonged, brachial plexus palsy may result. Once it happens, take a break in time.

3. When walking with crutches, the patient should first stand in a good posture so that the feet and crutches are in an isosceles triangle. Step on the affected limb first, with the toes not over the connecting line of the crutches.

After standing firmly, hold the crutches in both hands and move the healthy limb forward 30 cm. Once standing, lift the affected limb and move the crutches forward the same distance.

The foot and the crutch are on the ground at the same time, but the toes are still on the connection line of the crutch, so gradually move forward.

When the patient gets out of bed and walks with crutches for the first time, he should call his family members or nurses for on-site guidance, and adjust the wrong gait in time, so that the patient is full of confidence in sports.

According to the special psychological characteristics of children, the use of crutches should be supervised by medical personnel or relatives to overcome randomness and blindness.